2016.001: Happy New Year!

Hello and Happy New Year!

I am really excited about the idea of brand new year, with a fresh start and a blank page! I also am really loving the idea of sharing something every day this year. 366 days (it’s leap year!) of sharing. Let’s do this.


My First 5 devotional really spoke to me this morning. I realized that the door is wide open for me to share the hope that I have with someone, not only today, but also every day. The blog is the perfect platform.


I mentioned in my post yesterday that I have been tossing around the idea of posting each day. I really think that this will help me to stay more in tune with myself (spiritually, physically and emotionally) and with the world around me. I want 2016 to be a meaningful year, and so I am going to be intentional about finding that meaning and sharing it with you guys here.

By no means am I promising to share something profound each day. I’m sure there will be days that I am not feeling it and I will probably have to get creative to come up with the content. I might start writing about itemized deductions and tax credits … who knows, but I think that taking 30 minutes out of my day each evening to reflect will be very beneficial.

I’m excited! Let’s get to it.

We woke up to a rainy morning here on the gulf coast. I mean, really? Is it ever going to stop?! We’ve had a very soggy month and I am ready to see some sunshine.

I would like to say that I didn’t let a little bit of rain spoil my plans, but I kind of did. I was planning to go to the group run at Running Wild, but when I woke up to rain and temperatures in the 40s (don’t judge), I decided against it. I did, however, have to brave the elements to tame the beast take Brooks out.


Every now and then it is nice not to have to rush out first thing in the morning to go somewhere. Daniel had to make rounds at the hospital today, so I decided to just enjoy some quiet time at home. I was especially thankful to have a quiet day at home, considering that this is technically my last weekday “off” of work from now until April 18th (gotta love it when Emancipation Day makes tax season just a little bit longer for us).

Eventually the rain subsided and mom and I got out for a walk. It was so chilly out! I think it felt colder than it actually was because it was a wet cold, which I am not used to at all. The temperature was steadily dropping throughout the time we were out and I was slowly turning into a human popsicle. I sat in front of the space heater and drank some hot chocolate as soon as we got home.  That definitely did the trick!


I semi-patiently waited for Daniel to get home so that we could go for our first run of 2016 together. Thankfully he got home not too long after mom and I got back from our walk and we set out for an easy run to ring in the new year. But not until after some stretching and rolling …


You can’t really tell, but Daniel is working on that pesky little piriformis issue on the Trigger Point. Brooks wanted to roll his muscles out as well. Crazy dog!


I didn’t have anything to roll (I have been icing my feet, but that’s another story for another day … fingers crossed that it’s nothing serious), but I wanted to get a picture to show y’all my snazzy running outfit that Daniel got me for Christmas (with a little bit of help from Lizzie at Running Wild)!


The tights are by Lucy, which is a new to me brand that I must say, I am now quite fond of and the top is by Oiselle, which is definitely a favorite running brand of mine.

We got in 7 miles at around 8:10 pace. It was a good run. I am really thankful for the time that we get to spend together running. It’s a great time for us to talk and catch up on life.

Once we got back, we chopped some firewood and made a fire. Daniel is pretty into all of the college football bowl games on right now (and I’m not so much), so I decided to take some time to just relax. Wait, what? Who am I? I did a little bit of reading, while listening to Pandora (the Chris Stapleton station is on point).

We grilled out and sat by the fire for a bit.


I’m calling it an early night. I’ve got a long run on the schedule tomorrow. It’s gonna be a fun one. I’ll tell you all about it soon! Gotta run!





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