Mother’s Day + RRCA

Happy Mother’s Day!

We went to early church with my mom this morning at the church that she grew up going to. I know she has lots of good memories there with her mom and dad, so I was really glad that we got to go with her today.

All my mom asked for was a card and a walk. I stepped it up a notch and got her some flowers, 2 cards (one from me and one from the cat (naturally)) and took her for a walk! It was such a beautiful day!

We had lunch at my grandmother’s and after that I met with my very first running “client.” EEK! I am so excited to start coaching. Her goal is to run her first full marathon this fall and I can’t wait to help her get there!

We finished off the evening at Chill with my favorite running buddies!

In my last post, I gave you some of the “why” behind my decision to start coaching. It’s something I have been thinking about for a while. Last summer, I thought about attending an RRCA (Road Runners Club of America) class, but there weren’t any nearby and the ones that were relatively close were all full. I signed up to get an email when the new classes for 2016 were announced.

I don’t remember exactly when I got the email this year, but I know that it was during tax season and I just sort of mentally put that on my post-tax season to do list. I don’t know how this happens, but somehow it seems like things get even busier after tax season. I don’t know if this is just phantom busyness that I create for myself or if it is because I have more time for extra-curricular activities and so I just start doing more things. It’s probably some combination of the two.

Regardless, the point is that I didn’t get around to actually looking at the RRCA class listings until about two weeks ago. Once I looked at them, I realized that there were only two open classes the rest of the summer. I didn’t realize that they filled up so fast! One of the open classes was in Columbia South Carolina. A quick map check estimated the trip to be a little under 8 hours, so I decided to go for it. I signed up Monday and the class was Saturday and Sunday of that same week. So spontaneous!

I had mentioned wanting to become a certified coach to my friend Ashley and when she found out I was going to the class, she wanted to come too. I was so thankful to have a buddy!

Since we would be missing our usual long run Saturday morning, we decided to get that out of the way Friday morning before we left for SC. We did 18 miles Friday morning, put on our compression tights and hit the road. The drive wasn’t too bad, but we were definitely super stiff by the end of the day.

Class was from 8 to 5 Saturday and Sunday. The first day we learned about different types of runners and their training needs, physiology, building a periodized program and nutrition. The class was very informative and I felt like I learned a lot and also got a good refresher on some things that I knew, but didn’t fully understand the reasoning behind.

We were too tired to run Saturday morning before class and after sitting all day, we were more than ready to stretch our legs out. Daniel helped us find a really cool running trail in the area. He wasn’t with us, but he was able to go on Strava and map out a route for us. It was a wonderful route right along the water!

We were able to get in a nice and easy 6 mile recovery run. We enjoyed the route so much that we decided to go back Sunday morning before class.

We had a little bit of technical difficulty finding the starting point of the trail that morning, because we parked on the opposite side. We knew we were in the right general vicinity. We parked beside a guard gate and the security guard came out to ask us what we were doing. We told her that we were looking for the running trail. She told us that she didn’t know about any running trail in the area and that she wasn’t going to watch the car if we left it there. We were a little confused (and concerned) and then she told us that if we drove across the parking lot (less than 100 yards away), there was a walking trail. Aha! Yes, that would indeed be what we were looking for. Thank you kindly.

I carried my phone and my stun gun (I need to tell y’all about some new safety devices that I got recently) and we were perfectly fine. The trail had been packed with runners, walkers and cyclists Saturday afternoon, but Sunday morning at 6 a.m. was a different story. We only saw one or two people the entire time we were out.

The second day of class we learned about the business of coaching, sports psychology, writing training programs and common running injuries. I really enjoyed this day! We broke off into small groups and designed a marathon training plan for a 52 year old male runner who wanted to drop 10 minutes from his marathon time and qualify for Boston. I’d like to think that he achieved his goal 🙂

We got out of class at 5 p.m. Sunday evening and decided to drive all the way back that night. We debated stopping along the way, but ultimately decided that it would be best (and cheaper) to just get on home. Thankfully I didn’t have to work the next day because I was worn out!

Now we just have to get CPR and first aid certified and pass the RRCA exam to be “official” coaches. I’m hoping to get all of that done in two weeks when we get back from Ragnar.

My Running Story

Hey friends! This post was originally meant to tell you about my trip to Columbia, SC to attend the RRCA (Road Runners Club of America) coaching certification course last weekend, but first I want to back up for a ‘lil bit here and share my running story with you. I shared some of the highs (and lows for that matter) in my “About Me” post, but I want to dig in a little bit deeper in this post about running and how it has impacted my life and in turn, why I want to coach.

I think that most people just assume that I have always been a runner and that is not really the case. Although the more I think about it, I really have been running for almost half of my life at this point. So many kids get into running at such an early age now though, I guess that makes me feel like I started “later in life,” when in actuality it wasn’t all that late.

Short Stuff (1995 – 2003)

My first experience with running was not a pleasant one. In middle school (fifth or sixth grade … the details are kind of fuzzy at this point), I decided that I wanted to try out for the JV track team. A few of my friends were on the team and so of course I wanted to do it to. Apparently the FOMO started at a young age.

I played several other sports (actually at this age it was probably just tennis and softball), so I figured I could run track. Seemed easy enough, but man was I wrong. I tried out for the 800 meter (1/2 mile) and in classic newbie fashion I took off way too fast. Heck, I still do that now sometimes. Long story short, I didn’t make the team. I actually didn’t even run the entire 800 meters. It was highly embarrassing.

Fast forward a few years and at this point I was definitely playing several other sports. I played volleyball, basketball, tennis, softball and even had a short stint on both the dance team and the cheerleading squad (um yeah … not my thing). I went to a very small school and so if you had any athletic ability, you played all. the. sports. Our basketball coach decided that we were going to run to get in shape for the season, so we started running a mile or so each day before practice.

I’d be lying if I said that I enjoyed it. I most definitely didn’t, but it was required so I just went with it. As a side note … our team won the state championship (3A private school) the year that we started running. We were in better shape than everyone else. Just sayin!

When I got into high school, I decided that I didn’t really want to play softball anymore. I had played since I was really young and the team was transitioning from slow-pitch to fast-pitch, so it kind of just made sense to give it a break. We were only allowed two spring sports (I had done tennis and softball up until this point), so this freed me up for another spring sport. Enter track.

My 10th grade year I made the track team … as a thrower! I threw the discus. There is a lot of technique (and less skill) required for discus, so I enjoyed it. My junior year, I was recruited to run. I honestly don’t remember exactly how this happened, but my guess is that they just needed people and I was a person. My junior and senior years, I ran the 4 X 800 meter relay and the 800 meter, but that was my only running event. At practice we would run/walk a lap to warm up, run our distance (maybe two times on a good day) and then we were done. I had never run more than 2 miles consecutively when I graduated from high school.

Middle Distances (2004 – 2008)

I started running a little bit more my first year in college. I signed up for the SGA Fall 5K. I remember standing on the start line wondering if I would be able to actually run 3.1 miles without stopping, since I had never actually done that before. I did! I don’t even have any idea what my time was. I just know that I finished and I really liked it. I really missed organized sports and running kind of just became my new thing.

The spring of my freshman year I took a jogging class. I got an A! Haha. I learned more about running from that class and I started to run a little bit more. We are still talking 3 to 4 miles max and only a few days a week. Over the course of the next few months (when I was home for summer), I slowly transitioned the miles up to 6 or 7. At that point, I decided it was time to run a 10K. I do know my time for that one … 50:39.

After the 10K I was officially “hooked” and I started training for my first half marathon. I basically trained by myself and I basically had no clue what in the world I was doing. I had two running “mentors” that helped me so much. I ran with both of them a little bit along the way. One was my high school tennis coach, Donnie, and one was our family friend, Carol. I know this sounds super sappy and sentimental, but I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today (in running or just in life in general) without them. My parents have always been 100% supportive of everything that I have done as well, but the running thing was little foreign to them. I think they pretty much thought I had lost it when I told them I was going to run a half marathon. In fact, they likely still think that I did in fact lose it and have never found it again! But I digress …

I ran the Mercedes half marathon in 2006. I will never forget the feeling of completing my first half marathon. It is a feeling unlike any other feeling, not even topped by the feeling of completing my first full marathon (because let’s face it, that just plain hurt). I ran that first one in 1:48:03. The time didn’t matter whatsoever. I completed the race and that was my only goal!

I continued running a few times a week after the race and decided to do the Mercedes half again the next year. Let’s just say that this is where things got messy. I think most people know my story at this point, but if not, basically I was attacked while I was out on a training run for my second half marathon. It was a very traumatic, horrific thing that has had a drastic impact on the rest of my life. At first in a very negative way and now, many years later, in an inexplicably positive way.

A few months later, with a trusted mentor by my side, I ran the race that I had been training for. A few days later I was checked into an inpatient (eating disorder) treatment facility where I received extensive therapy and tried to begin the healing process. Looking back on this, I realize that I was still in so much pain and denial that I wasn’t able to truly benefit from the treatment. Don’t get me wrong, I learned a lot, but I don’t think that it all truly sunk in until much later. It took time for me to grow and learn to accept and deal with things.

A lot of my memories of that time are somewhat of a blur (which I think is probably a good thing at this point), but I know my running over the next 2 to 3 years was very minimal. When I did run, it was always on the treadmill. Occasionally I would run outside if my dad biked with me or something like that, but that was not super common.

Going Long (2009 – Current)

I don’t remember when exactly I got back into it, but it was sometime around 2008 or 2009, after I finished college and graduate school. I stuck with the training on the treadmill for the most part, but I started doing more races. I enjoyed pushing myself. It was around this point, that I met Daniel.

Once we met, I started meeting his training group at the track on Tuesday evenings for speedwork. There was usually a pretty big group of at least 10 people and we would all do the same workout, but everyone would run at different paces. We did 200s, 400s, 800s, etc. If you are a runner and you are wondering how to get faster, the answer is a) speedwork and b) run with people faster than you. That is just my opinion and based on my own experience though.

If you are a runner and you don’t care about getting faster, that’s totally cool too! As long as you are out there doing what you love, that’s all that matters. I would still totally suggest running with people though, but just because runners are cool and it makes it more fun (again, just my opinion).

Daniel and I got married in 2010 and the first race I did after we got married I broke 20 minutes in the 5K for the first time (with a 19:38). When we first met (in 2009), I was running close to 22 minutes for the 5K, so that was a huge improvement. All of my times started improving (in various distances) and I got even more hooked. I run to be the best version of myself that I can be. Training hard, working towards goals and ultimately meeting those goals is what makes me tick. There isn’t much that hard work, dedication, faith and a little bit of confidence can’t handle.

I ran my first full marathon in 2011. I mentioned this earlier, but it’s worth repeating … ouch. It was painful, yet rewarding. I didn’t train properly (I obviously didn’t know that at the time or I would’ve done it differently) and I didn’t fuel properly (again … I didn’t know what I was doing). I did manage to get a Boston qualifying time though (3:24:11), so I was super happy! I would love to work with first-time marathoners (and half marathoners as well) to help offer some guidance along the way and eliminate some of the newbie mistakes that I had to learn the hard way.

The next year I ran Boston. It was one of the hottest Boston Marathons on record. The temperature was close to 90 degrees for the entire race. I rode the struggle bus for the majority of the race. Again, my training was not where it needed to be (I’ll blame tax season for that one) and I was not acclimated to the heat at all. I ran 4:37. Not what I was hoping for at all, but it was still pretty cool to be a part of such a prestigious race.

After Boston and for the next couple of years, I continued to steadily increase my weekly mileage and started to really enjoy the longer distance training runs. The speed workouts took a back seat while I focused on increasing the quantity of my runs (as opposed to the quality). I built a really good endurance base during this time and while I didn’t really have any breakthrough races or anything like that, I think this time was very valuable in the overall scheme of things.

In 2014 I started working with a coach. We added back some track and tempo workouts and over the course of about six months of consistently focusing on quality (as opposed to quantity), I pretty much PR’d in every distance (5K, 10 mile and half marathon). That training cycle culminated with the New Orleans Rock ‘N’ Roll marathon where I ran a huge, approximately 20 minute PR. At this point, I definitely saw the benefit of working with a coach, although I ultimately decided to change coaches at this point.

I wanted to work with someone that was more hands on and gave lots of positive reinforcement (I need that). Different coaches have different coaching styles and it is important to work with someone that you feel comfortable with and that gets you. My current coach is awesome! He was an accountant before he started coaching and we think similarly on a lot of things. I hope to replicate what he is doing for my athletes!

I started the blog a few months after I started working with my current coach, so if you want to read more about this past year, hit up the archives and go for it! Running has been a huge part of my life. From the day of the attack, to the day that I first met my husband, to the day that Daniel and I ran a 5K the morning of our wedding, to the day that I broke the tape in New Orleans, to today … each day has brought different lessons, different meaning and different perspective to my life.  I wouldn’t be who I am today or who He was calling me to be had it not been for each of those days, and all of the days and miles in between.

I have been searching for “my purpose,” or rather “God’s will” for my life and I feel like I am being called to help people. That’s super broad, but for now, it means helping people meet their running goals, helping people to discover and fall in love with running and being a witness and an encouragement to them along the way.

Something New + A Beach Trip

Hello! A lot has happened since we last talked, and it’s only been a few days. I love post-tax season life!

For starters, I have decided to attend an RRCA coaching certification course so that I can “officially” coach runners. I realize that I could do this without a certification, but I truly want to learn more about the sport that I love and make sure that I am giving people solid, sound training advice. I have turned a few people down in the past, solely because I didn’t feel “qualified” to help them. It’s time to change that!

I don’t know exactly what it will look like, but I have several days a week to devote to coaching over the summer and I knew that I wanted to get started ASAP. As it turns out, ASAP is this weekend. Ashley and I are headed to South Carolina to attend the class together. I’m so excited about the class and that Ashley is going with me! It would’ve been quite a long road trip to make by myself.

I’m also thinking about getting certified to teach tennis lessons as well. I feel like coaching will make the perfect fill in for my off days in the summer and winter months, when my accounting job is less busy and it will (hopefully) allow me to do something that I truly love!

Secondly, it’s Workout Wednesday! I haven’t done a workout in a few weeks and it really felt good to get back to it. I kind of let my workouts fall by the way-side the last few weeks of tax season, but that’s okay. My mind and body needed a break from the mental and physical stress of juggling work and strenuous workouts.

I headed to the treadmill when we got home from our trip (details to follow). I had a 6 mile tempo run to do and I got that done with a 2 mile warm up, followed by 6 tempo miles at 6:40, 6:40, 6:30, 6:30, 6:40, 6:35 and a 1 mile cool down.

I listened to our Ragnar Tennessee playlist on Spotify and I now I am even more excited for that trip, which is coming up in a few weeks!

Mom and I had a wonderful mini-vacation to Watercolor! We did pretty much this exact same trip last year after tax season and had so much fun that we decided to make it an annual thing. Last year, we went Sunday and came back Tuesday, but this year we went Monday and came back Wednesday. The rates are a little bit better if you go during the week.

Brooks wasn’t thrilled to see us go Monday. I’m pretty sure he is saying, “Not cool, Mom. Not cool.”

After a quick pic, we were ready to hit the road!

I’ll go ahead and apologize, but this post will have lots of pics, mainly of mom and me. We are great travel buddies and just buddies in general, so we always have fun no matter what we are doing.

We got in and did a little shopping before we were able to check in to the hotel. Our room (the same one we stayed in last year) and the view were incredible!

We walked on the beach for a little while once we got settled and headed to Bud & Alley’s for dinner. We ended up getting our dinner to go and walking back down the beach to sit on our balcony and watch the sunset. It was a nice, relaxing evening.

After a good night’s rest, we were up and at ’em pretty early (vacation early at least) and ready to go! I got a good run in and met mom on the beach on my way back and we walked back together. I absolutely love running and walking on the beach. It’s one of my most favorite things to do. There is just something about being out there, especially early in the morning when not many other people are out and about yet, that is so peaceful and serene.

I saw a sign while I was out running that really made me think. It simply said, “Be Healthy.” The more I thought about that, the more I realized how different that could look for different people. For some people “healthy” may mean getting off the couch and getting active and for some people that may mean taking a rest day. For some it may mean cutting back on sugar and for some it may mean indulging in a delicious dessert.

I started to think about what “healthy” means to me. I think I would have definitely defined this differently over the years, but right now I would start with saying that it refers to your spiritual, mental and physical state, with spiritual being at the top. I was debating (with myself) whether mental or physical would come next, and I decided that they are so inter-related that it doesn’t really matter which one is more important. To me they go together. I think this little graphic describes it well.

Being healthy means being able to do the things you enjoy and enjoy the things you do! I was thankful to be healthy, happy and running in one of my favorite places! It was a sunny day and the water was so clear and beautiful! We couldn’t have asked for better weather.

I had been wanting to paddleboard in the Gulf for a long time and I was determined to make that happen this trip. When we got back from our run/walk, I was ready to get out there. The gulf was a little choppy, but not too bad (in my opinion). They suggested I use the “YOLO Yak” instead of the standard paddleboard. Despite the name (I think YOLO might be one of my least favorite acronyms ever), I was fine with that, as it was more stable and better suited to handle the waves. It was actually much easier to paddle in the gulf than it is in the bay sometimes.

I loved it! I am hoping to paddle more this summer. I’m definitely counting that as a core workout.

After a pretty busy morning, we decided to relax a little bit, read and catch a quick nap before dinner that evening. I got super invested in the book I took to read. I read an entire book (Emily Giffin’s The One & Only) while we were gone. I wanted an easy, fun read and this book fit that criteria perfectly.

We walked over to The Great Southern Cafe for dinner that night. I’m pretty sure we go there every trip. It’s so good though! I got the salmon (per usual) and (also per usual) it was delicious!

We got dinner and made it back to our room to watch the sunset again. We enjoyed another chill, relaxing evening. I guess that’s just how we roll! Play hard, rest hard, and repeat.

I got another good run in the next morning. I actually carried my phone and got some pics of the scenery. It’s just so pretty, I couldn’t resist. I love how diverse the scenery is. You go from this …

To this …

To this … All in one run!

Mom came out to meet me and we were going to walk for a little bit, but we got caught in a huge downpour! There was only a 20% chance of scattered showers, but they found us. I normally wouldn’t care at all, but since I was carrying my phone, I had to seek shelter from the rain rather quickly. Thankfully my phone survived. We survived as well, we just had that drowned rat look going at the end.

We decided that we like piña coladas better than getting caught in the rain
and we’re not (all that) into yoga, but we possibly have half a brain (between the two of us as least).

That is a pretty quick overview of our vacation. We got home this afternoon and it’s back to the real world (whatever that really means) tomorrow.

One last pic, because clearly I need one more pic of the two of us in this post … Just look that that water though. So pretty!

That’s all she wrote! See you soon!

Spring Cleaning

Hey friends!

I got a little bit of spring cleaning done in my off time this week and I feel so much better now. It was really nice to put away the winter clothes and bring out the bathing suits. Summer is here!

Side note: I was a little bit surprised at just how many pairs of running shorts that I have accumulated. Now I see why Daniel tends to question whether or not I “need” new running clothes sometimes.

In other news, I took “little” Brookser for his annual checkup at the vet Thursday. He loves a good car ride. Actually he just loves life in general.

But y’all … he has gained 17 pounds since last year, from 87 to 104. Holy moly. The vet was asking me a bunch of questions, like if his exercise had decreased or if his food intake had increased, but I didn’t really think that they had. I felt like a bad doggie mom. As it turns out, Brooks has a little bit of a low thyroid. Poor little buddy.

He’s oblivious though. Daniel and I have been telling him that he is “big, brave and beautiful.” He’s still loving life. He’s especially enjoying his new exercise regimen, which includes lots and lots of swimming!

And also some rolling in the sand …

Brooks loves summer just as much as I do!

We got to spend some time with our niece this week too. She is so precious! She is a very chill, happy little thing.

Daniel and I were a bit out of our league, but we were able to successfully hold her and give her a bottle. I mean it did take both of us to do that, but hey, it takes a village right? I’m actually still kind of confused at how one person could hold her (what takes two hands (for me at least)), give her a bottle and wipe away the drool all at the same time. Do you grow extra arms when you become a mommy?

We enjoyed having lunch with his mom and sister and loving on sweet baby Ava!

There is a new coffee shop in town called Soul Caffeine. We were finally able to try it out for the first time yesterday. It has a very up-scale vibe to it. Daniel and I went in after running (duh) and I kind of felt underdressed. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but the coffee was good and the service was great, so I’m sure we will be back!

A couple of our friends ran Boston last week and so we got to catch up with them this weekend and hear all about it! They both ran great and we are so proud. I found these awesome bracelets for them.

Another side note: Now I really want one of those bracelets for myself too. Does that happen to anyone else? It’s probably just me. It’s the whole only child thing I’m sure.

You know what else is awesome about summer? Fruit!

I have made two hugely delicious fruit salads this week.

I apologize that this post has been a little bit all over the place. I not used to actually having things to tell you about (as opposed to the last few months of work, run, sleep, repeat), and I’m having a hard time organizing my thoughts. Hopefully it’ll come back to me soon!

I’m off to pack for a fun little mini-vaca to 30A! One last thing. Check out this super cool packing apparatus that Daniel got. Just disregard our psychedelic walls, it was cool in 1960. Actually I kind of love it. Maybe it’ll come back in style? Anyways … you can organize all of your stuff and then pack this into your carry-on luggage, or you can just carry this as a suitcase.

Pretty sweet right?!

Anyone else excited about summer?

The End of a Season

Hey guys!

I’m going to try to keep this short and sweet, but I have a couple of things to share with you today …

First of all, it is April 15th! Can I get an AMEN?! Technically the tax filing deadline is April 18th this year, because of the Emancipation Day holiday in Washington DC. The holiday marks the anniversary of the signing of the Compensated Emancipation Act, which president Abraham Lincoln signed on April 16, 1862, and celebrates the freedom of slaves. It is being observed on April 15th this year. We are just going to keep that little secret between you and me though and pretend like tax season is O.V.E.R. Deal?

Secondly, my devotion was so on point yesterday that I really wanted to share it with you in case someone else needed to hear it to. The scripture is Leviticus 24:1-2 (NIV): The LORD said to Moses, ‘Command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olives for the light so that the lamps may be kept burning continually.’

I don’t know about you, but I likely would have read that verse and not really even given it too much thought, but after reading the following passages, which were written by Lysa TerKeurst, I was kind of blown away.

Where light is needed, oil is needed. But getting the oil from the olive requires a pressing and crushing I’m sure the olive would rather avoid. However, this hardship of the olive is what allows the most valuable part of the olive to emerge … the oil. The oil then can be turned into glorious light.

Think about what a miraculous process this is! The olive’s greatest hardship turns into it’s greatest purpose. And I think the same can be true for us.

I know some of these deep hurts personally. I’ve been right where you are. But I’ve also seen God do something miraculous and holy with my deepest hurts and most devastating heartbreaks. He’s turned them into light that I can shine into other people’s hurts to give them hope.

And when my hurt turns to hope? My soul is ignited with a fresh sense of purpose and deep assurance!

God truly does everything with purpose and a passionate love for His people. I wonder if He had them touch the olives, hand crush the olives, feel the oil, and then watch it turn to light so they could witness what could be true for them as well.

Broken, hard pressed olives becoming the most beautiful, bright-burning lights for a high and holy calling! And like today’s Scripture says, not only do we bring our light but we keep it “burning regularly.” Yes, this is my prayer for you and for me.

Isn’t that so awesome?! The timing of this devotion was so perfect too (I love it when The Lord does that), because I have really been praying and thinking about some pretty big things along the lines of using my “toughest hardship” for (what I hope to me) my “greatest purpose.” With tax season behind me, I am excited to pursue some new paths!

More to come on that, so stay tuned!

The One with an Acronym

We made it to the weekend!

In an effort to keep things interesting and somewhat varied, I came up with an acronym for today’s post …  R.U.N. F.A.S.T. Somewhat coincidentally, that is also my goal for the weekend. What is this weekend, you ask?

R. Rock ‘N’ Roll! This weekend I am running a Rock ‘N’ Roll half marathon tomorrow (location to follow). I’m getting really excited! I’ll be doing a recap of the weekend once we get home, of course, but I wanted to go ahead and check in before we leave so that my race recap post can actually be just a race recap and not an entire week recap. It makes sense in my brain. Hopefully y’all are cool with it, too.

U. Uncle! Crying uncle?! Nope. I’m not admitting to defeat here. Thursday evening, Daniel’s sister, Michele, and her husband, Brett, had a baby girl, which means that Daniel officially became an uncle! I guess that means I also “officially” became an aunt. Rebecca is like a sister to me (we are both only children and missed out on the whole sibling thing growing up) and so Savannah calls me Aunt Sam (err well … she would if she talked), but I am also very thankful to have two wonderful sisters-in-law and now to have a niece! Ava is so precious. I can’t wait to love on her in a couple of weeks!

N. New Orleans! We are headed to New Orleans this weekend for the race. The weather is supposed to be beautiful. There are lots of people from our area heading over for the race, which makes it even more exciting. New Orleans is definitely an interesting place with an exciting vibe. I like it in very small doses. We will be going back in a few weeks for the Crescent City Classic! Luckily, we only live a couple of hours away and so we can easily go over for a race and head back the next day.

F. Feet! My feet are so. much. better. It’s incredible really. If you are having any sort of feet issues (tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, etc.), you really need to consider pressure wave therapy as a treatment option. If you are local, go see Justin @ Eastern Shore Chiropractic & Sports Clinic. I’ve had three treatments now and I can really tell a difference. I’m so thankful that the pain is going away and that I have been able to keep training. Tax season = stress and running = stress release. We don’t want to combine tax season and no running. The results might be disastrous.

A. Aggravated. I can not come up with anything interesting to talk about that starts with the letter A, other than my acronym, baby Ava and how I am an aunt. I haven’t seen any aardvarks or amphibians recently, so let me just tell you about a workout that I did this week. It’s a stretch I know … I just kind of wanted to tell you about my workout.

I had one workout this week and otherwise, it’s been just easy running, trying to keep the legs fresh for the half this weekend. I knew that I had to get the workout in early in the week (to maximize leg freshness at the end of the week), so there was no time for procrastination. Tuesday morning the schedule called for lactate threshold repeats at a strong, smooth rhythm that is pressing but sustainable (with a goal range of 6:20-6:25 pace). I ended up averaging 6:31 for the repeats. I likely could’ve run them a little bit faster, but 6:31 felt really comfortable and so I just kind of settled in there and didn’t vary the pace at all. I watched Gilmore Girls during the workout and that definitely made the time pass by quickly. I usually don’t watch Netflix during workouts, but my iPod was dead and there was no way I was doing the workout without some form of distraction.

S. Stitch Fix! I got my”fix” this week. I’m not sure if this is my February or March box (I’ve lost track), but regardless, it was a good one. I got a dress, two tops, a pair of shorts and a really cute crossbody bag (not pictured). The dress has a really cute cut out on the back (again, not pictured because I’m guessing it’s probably not supposed to be worn with a sports bra, haha). I’m going to take the bag to New Orleans, so I’ll make sure to get a pic of that then.

Brooks likes modeling with me. He also likes long naps on the couch.

T. Tenley! A few weeks ago, I asked for prayers for baby Tenley and so I wanted to post an update. Since my last post, they have run a lot more tests, tests that that could’ve made diagnosis much worse. If no other tumors were found (brain, bone, muscles, etc.), she would be considered stage 1, which would be such an answer to prayer …

The prayers are being answered! All of the additional scans came back normal! They did another chest CT to look at the spots on her lungs and are confident that they were not cancer. The ECHO and EKG came back normal. Her bone scan came back clear. The MRI was normal. Praise God!

She had surgery to remove the suspicious portion of her bladder where the cancer was and to place her port for chemo. The urologist was able to go in with a scope to identify the cancerous area. He then burned around the edge of the tumor so that her surgeon would know what to take out. The surgeon removed all of it, including a little extra around the edge of the tumor. It was sent to pathology and they confirmed that the edge did not contain any cancerous cells, so they are confident they removed it all. Prasie God!

Please keep the prayers coming! She will be starting chemo next week. This will be hard on her little body, but she is tough and we she is wrapped in God’s loving arms. He is a good, good Father <3

Alright guys, I gotta run (literally) and get packed for the trip!

The One without a Race Recap

Hey guys!

How is it time for another week-end recap post already? I guess one good thing about tax season is that time really starts to fly by (which I’ll admit, can definitely be both a good and bad thing depending on how you are looking at it). Let’s catch up on the non-work related stuff that happened this week (which will be somewhat minimal).

We are one week away from the New Orleans Rock ‘N’ Roll half! I’m really excited to go back to New Orleans and to only be racing the half this year. This will be my first race running with an “elite” bib. I’m pretty excited about that! Thank you to Rock ‘N’ Roll for the sponsored entry!

This week was a cut-back week in training for me. I took a day off and I didn’t run any doubles. I’m hoping that the cut-back will payoff next Sunday in the form of fresh(er) legs. I saw Dr. Justin again this week and I definitely feel like we are making some good progress on the feet issues, which is very encouraging.

This was also the first week in several weeks that I haven’t had a race. Instead, I got in a good, quality mid-week workout. My schedule called for 6 X 1 mile repeats at 6:05 to 6:15 pace with a 400 (0.25 mile) recovery. I hit the treadmill early Thursday morning and here is what I did …

2 mile warm up: starting at 6.6 mph for 2 minutes and increase the speed by .2 every 2 minutes

Mile 1: 6:15 (9.6 mph)

Mile 2: 6:11 (9.7 mph)

Mile 3: 6:07 (9.8 mph)

Mile 4: 6:03 (9.9 mph – this felt too fast)

Mile 5: 6:10 (I was originally trying to negative split each mile, but I had to re-evaluate and re-group during mile 5 – I ended up with a “blended” pace of 9.6, 9.7, 9.8 and 9.9 mph for a quarter mile each during this mile)

Mile 6: 6:03 (after backing it off, I was able to comfortably pick it back up to 9.9 mph)

1.5 mile cool down: 7.0 mph

Daniel and I got in a solid 10 mile run Saturday morning. We averaged 8:02 pace for the run, which is a little bit faster than our normal, everyday pace. We both felt good, so we just went with it!

My mom and dad were in town this weekend and Mom and I got in two good walks. Our fire hydrant friend is ready for St. Patty’s Day!

I had a tennis match Saturday morning. I am playing on the same 4.5 USTA team that I played on last summer and we each have to play two qualifying matches to be eligible to play at state in June. This was the first time that I have played singles in quite some time (possibly since state last summer) and I was definitely rusty! I’ve been playing doubles on a semi-regular basis, but haven’t been playing singles at all. I typically prefer singles, but I have to say, I’ve gotten quite used to and comfortable with doubles.

I felt so alone out there on the court during my singles match. It was like I was missing my security blanket or something. I’m really baffled by this phenomenon, as I tend to prefer singles and individual sports in general (um hello … running). Maybe things are changing and I am growing up?! Whatever it is, we’re going to just pretend assume that it is a positive thing.

Rebecca and I ran 16 miles Sunday morning with our usual Sunday morning group. Thanks to our friend Larry’s coercing, we ended up with a slight variation in the normal route. This variation involved lots of bugs, a lake, hopping a barbed-wire fence, and some cross country running. We like to keep things interesting (or something like that)!

Sunday afternoon we had our first “official” team meeting for Ragnar Tennessee. I haven’t told y’all about this yet I don’t think, but … we have a group of 12 local runners (i.e., our friends) and we will be conquering an approximately 200 mile journey between Chattanooga and Nashville in May. I have done two of these relays in the past and I am so excited about this race and the group we have going! We met at the Warehouse Bakery Sunday afternoon to talk race details and logistics.

If you aren’t familiar with a Ragnar Relay … You and 11 of your craziest, most-awesome friends pile into two vans and tag team running 200 miles, day and night, relay-style. Only one runner hits the road at a time. Each person runs three times. Each leg ranges between 3-8 miles and varies in difficulty.

Daniel and I did Ragnar Del Sol in Phoenix, Arizona in February 2011 (less than 6 months after we got married). I remember a friend telling us that if we could survive a 24 hour relay race together, our marriage would be one that would last. We definitely survived and both had a blast!

I also ran Ragnar Northwest Passage in Seattle in July 2014. Unfortunately, Daniel wasn’t able to go on this trip, because of school and work (you know silly, adult-type stuff).

This time around, Daniel is taking charge and he and his buddy, Kenny, are organizing the trip! He even has a spreadsheet of all of the estimated costs, etc. My kind of man!

Country Music, Honky Tonk Row and a course designed for ultimate adventure await us this year. We will start in Chattanooga and run along the Tennessee River, heading northwest towards Nashville. We will run, day and night, across the rolling hills of middle Tennessee. The race will finish up at the Country Music Hall of Fame, in Nashville, Tennessee.

Woo hoo! I’m pumped! Have you ever done a relay race?

Smiling is My Favorite!

FRIDAY. Woo hoo!

I’m linking up with the DC area bloggers Mar at Mar on the Run, Cynthia at You Signed Up For What?! and Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC for the Friday Five linkup. This week is  “free Friday,” so you basically get to write about whatever your little heart desires.

My little heart desires to tell you about 5 things that made me SMILE today. I know, I know. I just did a post about things that made me smile, but what can I say … I like to smile. Smiling is my favorite! See, just typing that made me smile (but I won’t count that in my five things … that was just a little bonus for you). Elf quotes never get old. Ever.

1st … A morning run with Daniel. When our alarm went off this morning, neither one of us were really wanting to get up, but the morning before we went through this early-morning, half-asleep discussion about whether or not we were going to run. Daniel ended up not waking up to go and so I decided to just run on the treadmill. He ended up with major runner’s remorse and told me that he really did want to go, but he thought I didn’t. He claims that I tricked him into sleeping in and also instructed me to not let this happen again. This morning when he told me that he didn’t want to get up we had a somewhat lengthy (and probably somewhat incoherent) discussion about whether or not this was one of those times that he really wanted to go and he wanted me to be the bad guy and force him to wake up. Turns out it was. We were both so glad that we went!

Runners. Can’t live with them. Can’t live without them.

2nd … An emoji text-versation. We have been debating whether or not we could go an entire day only using emojis in our texts. We were on a roll for a little while today, but we didn’t make it the whole day. In case you are wondering …

Sam: “Heeey. I love you too!”

Daniel (crying): “My wife. She cracks me up.”

Sam: “I know. I was feeling silly.”

Daniel: “Heeey. Points finger up.” (I kind of lost him there).

Sam: “I was really sleepy, so I had some coffee. Now I’m staring at computers and general ledgers doing some addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of dollars.”

Sam (get’s flower delivery at work): “Flowers! You got me flowers?! Thank you!”

Daniel: “I’m glad you like them.”

Sam: “I love them. Wonderful surprise.”

Sam: “What are you having for lunch?”

Also in case you are wondering, I’m pretty sure this is the epitome of healthy communication in a relationship. I’m so glad that we could set a good example for you guys.

3rd … The above-referenced flowers! I actually got two flower deliveries today.

Aren’t they gorgeous?

One was supposed to be delivered today. They are “Happy end of January tax season” flowers. Daniel scheduled the others to be delivered at the end of February, but that didn’t happen quite right. Worked out pretty well for me though. I love them! Daniel is so thoughtful and I really appreciated the gesture.

4th … Possibilities. I know that is kind of vague … but today, I smiled knowing that there are possibilities out there waiting for me. I think too often we place pre-conceived limitations on ourselves. We tell ourselves that we are fill in the blank (not smart enough, too old, too slow, untalented, etc.) and we place limits on the possibilities that we truly could have. If left to our own devices, we are truly limited, but if we put our faith in The Lord and trust His plans, nothing is impossible. Don’t get me wrong, it might take a lot of faith, trust, dedication and hard-work, but He has a plan and it is out there waiting for you. Whatever it is that you are feeling called to do … you can do it!

5th … Cows. I don’t know if I have ever told y’all this before, but I love cows. It’s odd, I know. When I drive by a field of cows, I like to say, “Heeey Moos!” On my way home from work, I saw a momma cow giving her baby moo a bath. It was the cutest thing. I smiled.

There you have it folks, five very random things that made me smile today. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend! I’ll talk to you soon!

Work It Out

Hey guys! It’s almost Friday! What up.

Since it’s Thursday, let me go ahead and tell you about Workout Wednesday (which was actually supposed to be done on Tuesday). I know. Life is complicated, but better late than never, right? I actually did my workout Wednesday evening (i.e., after work). I think that might be a first, and let me just tell you … that took some serious dedication. It seems like lately, all I really want to do when I get home from work is put on my pajamas and snuggle under some warm blankets on the couch. The struggle is real.

This week’s workout called for a 5 mile lactate threshold wave tempo (it sounds more complicated than it really is). Here is my coach’s explanation. Basically, I was supposed to alternate my pace from (slightly slower than) 10K pace and (slightly faster than) marathon pace every half mile during the tempo portion of the run. I really enjoyed this workout because I was mentally able to break the run down into half mile segments, which made it seem more manageable.

Since I didn’t do the workout until Wednesday and I have a half marathon this weekend, Coach suggested that I shorten the tempo to 4 miles. I did a one mile warm up and then I alternated between 6:40 and 6:15 pace for the “wave” portion and then did a one mile cool down.

I was pleased to get in 6 miles at just over 7 minute average pace. I was definitely working to hit those paces and I was dripping with sweat by the end of the workout. There is something about a good sweat session. It clears your head and makes you feel … alive.

The rest of the week I am taking it nice and easy to get ready for the Big Beach Half Marathon this weekend. It seems like almost everyone that we know will be there this weekend, so I’m really getting excited!

Speaking of races, I am also really excited to be participating in the 2016 Crescent City Classic as a “blogger.” It seems so official. Basically my job is to promote the race and convince some of you other wonderful folks to come join us in New Orleans on March 26th! This will be my first year to run this race. In an effort to learn a little bit more about the race itself, I’ve been doing some research (shocking, I know).

From the race website:

The CCC 10K is New Orleans’ (and the region’s) premier 10K road race, and one of the oldest 10K races in the nation. For 37 years, it has combined world class competition, amateur participation and great fun for all participants. Starting in 1979 with 902 participants, the Allstate Sugar Bowl Crescent City Classic has grown to become the preeminent fitness event in Louisiana.

Each year, over 20,000 people (20,000 people?!) gather in Downtown New Orleans for an event that attracts everyone from international Elite Athletes to those who walk the entire route carrying cocktails or wearing bunny suits. Young, old, fit and not so, the Crescent City Classic was the first 10K to be televised nationally, and is, to this day, perhaps the most fun you can have over 6.2 miles.

Here is the course map:

I was also super curious about why New Orleans is called the Crescent City. Apparently, it is because the Mississippi River flows in the shape of a crescent around the city. Random fact of the day. You’re welcome.

I’ll be sharing more Crescent City Classic tidbits between now and the end of March, so stay tuned! Is anyone else racing this weekend or racing the CCC?


Why hello! I hope your week is off to a good start.

Sunday morning, Rebecca and I knocked out a huge chunk of our #runlovechallenge mileage. We ran 24 miles! We had been planning that one for quite a while. We were both (at one point) training for New Orleans and both had 24 miles on the schedule as our long run that week, so we were pretty pumped that it worked out like that. Fast forward a few weeks … I decided not to run the marathon in New Orleans, but I definitely still wanted to do the 24 miler with her. We had been counting on that mileage to help us meet our goal of 214.

We got an early start and ran an out-and-back route towards Weeks Bay, with bathrooms and a gas station conveniently placed around mile 10 (on the way out) and 14 (on the way back). Rebecca is pacing the 3:40 group at the Big Beach Marathon in Gulf Shores this weekend, so she wanted to practice that pace on our long run. It was completely dark when we started (the moon was gorgeous!), so we waited until about mile 10 to start trying to consistently hit 8:22 pace. It was definitely harder than it seems, so it is a good thing that we practiced! By the end of the run we were able to consistently hit 8:20 – 8:25 without stalking the Garmins.

We enjoyed some warm post-run beverages at Coffee Loft. Notice the very eccentric table art …

I also got to play tennis Sunday afternoon. I know, pure craziness … but I don’t get to play all that often and I’m going to be playing on a team again this summer, so I want to at least hit every now and then (aka whenever someone asks me to play) and keep my skillz from getting quite as rusty as they did last year.

Sunday afternoon the weather was pure perfection. It was sunny and warm, which is the opposite of what seems to be our regular weather these days. I really enjoyed being out on the court and soaking up some rays. Even though I am outside running quite a bit, it is usually dark out and it sometimes feels like I never see the sun, especially during this time of year.

Since today is Tuesday, I wanted to share a few Tuesday Tangents with you, in the form of things that made me smile recently …

First up is this little guy. I think that he just like a lion king character, but Daniel thinks that he looks like Yosemite Sam. What do you think? Regardless. It’s cute.

And what about this guy!? He was decorated as Santa a few weeks ago and now he is in the Mardi Gras spirit. A regular chameleon!

This sunset … just wow.

Rest! Lots of rest. I took running rest day Monday (a well-deserved rest day, if I do say so myself). Unfortunately I did still have to tend to other grown up activities, such as work, but I gave my legs a break at least. In fact, I think Monday might have been the fewest steps I’ve ever taken since I’ve had my FitBit. I only took 940 steps all day (less than half a mile). Impressive, right?!

Brookser enjoyed my resting as well. Don’t let the slightly annoyed face fool you, he is just in the zen zone (and possibly aggravated at daddy for taking his picture).

I got a Stitch Fix box Monday evening, which was a nice surprise. Usually those come mid-week, so I wasn’t really expecting it.

What is making you SMILE this week?