March Recap

Hey-o! It’s time to recap another month of running and madness!

Month Recap: March 2018

The Running

Workouts: Not a ton of workouts in March this year. I typically don’t do a ton of workouts in March anyway, just because work tends to get a little hectic and there is less time to focus on training. This year the lack of workouts was primarily due to the fact that I ran lots of races on the weekends and was trying to recover during the week or, if I did happen to do a workout, it was likely short and just to try to stay sharp.

1 mi. WU, 6 X 400 (6:00 avg. pace), 1 mi. CD

2 mi. WU, 3 mi. @ marathon pace (6:59, 6:57, 6:58), 2 mi. CD

2 mi. WU, 3 mi. @ threshold pace (6:36, 6:35, 6:29), 3 mi. CD

 2 mi. WU, 4 X 1 mile @ threshold pace (6:26, 6:23, 6:24, 6:18), 2 mi. CD

2 mi. WU, 3 mi. @ marathon pace (6:54, 6:59, 6:47), 2 mi. CD

2 mi. WU, 2 X 2 mi. @ threshold pace (6:25 avg., 6:19 avg.), 2 mi. CD

Favorite workout: If I have to choose one, I’ll go with the 4 X 1 mile at threshold pace. I felt the best during that workout and the others were all just sort of … meh. For what it’s worth, I definitely have a least favorite workout and that would be the second to last workout of the month. I labeled it as marathon pace above, but it was originally supposed to be a threshold pace run. I did this workout after work (so basically, I should receive an award simply because I did the workout :)). I don’t know what it is about evening runs, but I tend to feel very sluggish and not particularly motivated. I think morning running is so ingrained in my routine at this point that my body is just like “what the heck” when I ask it to try to run in the evening. Let’s face it, I’d pretty rather do anything in the morning than in the evening.

Races: I ran all. the. races. in March! It was wonderful! Recaps are here, here, here, here and here.

Favorite race: SPRING FEVER! Duh.

Paces: My paces ranged from 5:59 to 9:55. Variety is the spice of life and training.

Miles: 251!

Longest run: 12 miles. I did three 12 mile runs and a few 10 mile runs, but otherwise, everything stayed in the single digits.

Shortest run: 3 miles. I overslept one morning and 3 miles was better than no miles.

Rest days: Two. Both unplanned, but both much needed and greatly appreciated.

Strength training: I am still pretty consistently getting in 5 to 10 minutes of strength work each day. It is definitely adding up over time.

The Other Stuff

It’s been a little while since we’ve chatted about other random current things.

Current activity: Blogging.

Current book: I’ve been stuck in a dark hole reading The Racketeer by John Grisham for over a month now. It’s not that I don’t like the book, it’s just that I fall asleep within 5 minutes of starting to read every night and you don’t make a ton of progress that way! I actually finished it up last night though.

I also just ordered Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life by Susan David. I recently listened to her interview on The Rich Roll Podcast and it was AMAZING. It was like light-bulb moment after light-bulb moment as I listed to the interview. It’s a really long interview (it took me two and half runs to get through it, which is definitely saying something), but it is definitely worth your time if you are a podcast person. I loved it so much that I’m thinking about going back and listening to it again and taking notes. In the meantime though, I ordered a paperback copy of her book (also so that I can underline and make notes). Nerd status level 100.

Current confession: I am a sucker for targeted advertising on social media. I am now the proud new owner of a Hippie Runner tank …

Current drink: Ginger lime diet coke. Have you guys tried this? It is so good!

Current excitement: 15 MORE DAYS until the end of tax season! 30 MORE DAYS until the end of the Spring semester!

Current fail: Why?

Current game: Ping pong!

Current habit: Drinking at least 64 oz. of water each day (with Nuun of course).

Current indulgence: Eggs … of the chocolate variety.

Current joke: What did the DJ say to the farmer? Lettuce turnip the beet!

Current knowledge: Learning is a lifelong activity.

Current list: Each week I make a list of things that I need to get accomplished for work, for school (which is also work, but I just separate it in my mind by calling it school) and for home. 

Current mood: Overall pretty content (with a side of stressed).

Current need: COFFEE!

Current obsession: Thoughts of dog. If you are a dog person, you need to follow @dog_feelings on IG (or on Twitter if that’s your thing). It’s the best.

Current procrastination: Preparing my own tax return. I always wait until the last minute to do ours.

Current quote: All of the Susan David quotes! I can’t wait to get her book!

Current rave: I love the Carrie Underwood (ft. Luda) song, The Champion. It is one of the most perfect running songs there ever was.

Current show: We’ve gotten back into Shark Tank recently. I like the fact that you can watch all of even just part of an episode at a time and not waste over an hour of your evening.

Current uncertainty: I have no idea what my work life will look like after tax season and the Spring semester of teaching is over. I do know that I am teaching two classes during the Fall semester, but … I definitely have to figure out something in the meantime!

Current victory: Getting this post completed!

Current want: I want to find a race to train for! It’s weird having nothing on the calendar.

Current yearning: Some beach … somehwere.  

Current zone: Focused.

Tell me: What is currently going on in your life?